NAAF Legislative Agenda

alopecia areata advocates who are part of the Legislative Liaison and Legislative Mentor programs. Also, learn about the NAAF legislative agenda 

The NAAF legislative agenda centers around three key issues:

  1. Increasing the budget for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) which, in turn, funds the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) that provides government funding for research into alopecia areata.
  2. Providing insurance coverage for those with alopecia areata needing a cranial prosthetic, or wig. Most insurance carriers do not provide such coverage under the pretext that alopecia areata is a cosmetic condition. Our efforts here are two-fold: to not only have coverages provided but to have alopecia areata recognized as a serious disease. Our most recent legislation would reclassify wigs as “durable medical equipment” eligible for Medicare coverage, which would encourage private insurers to follow.
  3. Providing access to treatment by making sure it is affordable and/or covered by insurance.      

Learn more about NAAF’s Legislative Liaison and Legislative Mentor programs if you would like to advocate on behalf of these issues.  Reach out to Gary Sherwood at to learn more about the NAAF legislative agenda and other efforts.